Friday 28 September 2012

It's time for action..

So I have been pretty quiet in Blog land since I left Canada. In fact no blogs at all. A lot of things have changed since I came home. Some friends have moved away, my sister and brother-in-law have moved away and I'm still trying to work out a little bit where I fit. And at the same time trying to stay excited about what I learned while I was away and how also that fits here back in the "normal".

I'm finding that I am doing a lot of talking about what I want to do with my life and where I feel God is taking me, but I am lacking a lot with the action part of it. So October is where it is all going to take off. October is going to be full of action, starting with two projects.

The first... no junk for a month.

This is a fundraiser I am taking part in that a girl from church is organising. We are raising funds for The Water Project to build wells in Uganda. The idea is to not eat junk food for a month and send the money that you would normally spend to the water project. For me giving up junk is pretty huge. I love my Light and Tangy Chips as well as my Ice Break, plus all the other rubbish I eat. Ice break and chips alone a week is about $10-$15 depending if I go the 2lt or just lots of 500mls.  If you would like to sponsor me of make a donation that would be fantastic. We take how easy it is for us to have clean water for granted and anything we can do to help those without is a massive.

The second.... Justice Awareness Month through Steps of Justice.

In June I had the privilege of going to Cambodia for two weeks with an organisation Steps of Justice. While we were there we not only saw what injustice the people of Cambodia are dealing with but we also got to play a part in starting to make things right. It's no easy task and it will be a forever type thing to undertake but there are people out that are making a difference.

Making people aware of the injustice in the world is important. For 30 days starting on the 1st of October I will be following Steps Of Justice through 30 days of action, prayer, education and encouragement to not only develop my own knowledge and awareness but also those who I interact with everyday. Want to know more?? Check out Steps of Justice, it's not to late to get involved.


  1. Hey Meg!!!
    I'm pretty happy you're acting!!! I hope everything runs well!!! God bless you sister...

  2. Exciting!
    But sorry about friends and your sister moving away. That totally sucks.
    But the rest is exciting!
