Sunday 22 January 2012

How Great Thou Art

‘Then sings my soul,
My saviour, God to thee,
How great thou art,
How great thou art.’

What an awesome spine tingling hymn that is, especially when it is sung in at least 5 different languages. Today it was so powerful that you could nearly see the roof lifting off the support beams.

What a way to start our day. Today we went to the sister church of the Nonsomboon church, which is about 30 mins away from where we are staying. We have spent most of the week there doing treasure hunts in the village and running a children’s program. The church is pretty small with only about four families that attend, but boy do they have a heart for God and a passion to make Him known in their community.

It was my absolute privilege to be able to bring a word of encouragement from God to them. To encourage them in their own walks and in reaching out to the broken hearted and the lost in their communities. It was a pretty humbling experience. What right really do I have to bring them this word, when I don’t really do it myself. I guess God really used this to teach me something too.

He has shown all you people what is good.
And what does the Lord require of you?
To act justly, and to love mercy, 
and to walk humbly with your God.

Micah 6:8


  1. Well said. It was a well-prepared sermon.

  2. You did super good. Was proud of you in a team leader sorta way. Nice blog post too :-)

  3. Meg!! you are amazing and sound like you have grown SO much!! love you heaps!!
