Sunday 15 January 2012

Half over, or only half begun?

Can't believe we are half way through outreach. The time is going by so quickly.

As I mentioned in a previous post we are in Non Som Boon in Northern Thailand, at The Elishia Childrens Home, which we have made our home for the past 2 weeks, and still have 2 weeks to go here. A week here can be pretty crazy, but we have a fairly set schedule and most of the time it works.. lol.

A quick run through of a week:

Monday- Day off
Tuesday and Wednesday -up at 7, team time, some kind of manual labour- (we have been painting the buildings), sometime off in the afternoons, teaching English when the kids get home from school, dinner, activity and homework after dinner, bed by 9.
Thursday and Friday - up at 7, team time, morning off till lunch, school visits to teach English and do activities,   sometimes prayer for people in the community or a treasure hunt, activity after dinner, bed
Saturday- up at 7, team time, help run a kids program for the kids who are sponsored by compassion in the area.
Sunday - up at 7, church, lunch with the church members, youth group in the afternoon, dinner, bed.

I totally love being in bed by 9. And yeas you can tell me I am a Nanna for going to bed that early but it's better for everyone in the long run if I do. hehe.

So what else can I tell you?

Well I love our transport here. Last week a few of us on our day off went on a road trip. The pastor took us in his ute and six of us piled into the tray and headed off down the freeway at 120km/hour, with a blaket over our knees to keep us warm. It was awesome!!

 We also do a lot of travelling in a song taew. 

And something I have gotten used to? Using a squatty potty! In fact sometimes I prefer to use them. There are some important things to remember though- if you are wearing long pants-always remember to roll them up so they don't touch the ground and soak up unidentifiable yuk. Always carry a roll of toilet paper in your bag, unless you like to use the hose and come out wetter than what you went in. Do not flush the toilet paper in the potty as they will block up. Therefore before you go into the toilet, check to see where the closest rubbish bin is in the vicinity of the bathroom, because you do not want to carry around used toilet paper for longer than you have to. Especially if the whole chilli's you had for lunch earlier that day has totally stripped your insides. (not speaking from experience)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the details at the end! Haha, thanks for the update Meg. Give us more of your feelings! Haha, the road trip was pretty fun. Finding a trash bin beforehand is good advice - thanks. I've forgotten a couple times recently and the search is intense.
