Sunday 4 December 2011

Where in the world is Megan Helen Mitchell...

Currently in the Tokyo for a 4 hour stopover, after a 10 hour flight, before getting on a 7 hour flight to Bangkok. But wait for it.. That is then followed by a 24 hour train trip to the south of Malaysia (after 12 hours in Bangkok). That's right, lecture phase in Vancouver is finished and we are on our way to outreach. Its crazy!! I cannot believe how fast the past 3 months have gone.

Seriously pumped for outreach. Three weeks in Malaysia, the a month in Northan Thailand, serving at the Elisha Children's Home, and a month in Pattaya serving at the Bridge Children's centre. Still don't have a totally clear picture of what exactly we will be doing, but that seems to be the way things go. :) What I do know is that God is going to amazing things,  we are going to have a  great time and the team that I am with is fantastic. 

Check out this link,
It's a short powerpoint presentation with some photo's and stuff of what I have done, and what we might be doing.

Well that's all I have for now.. Not sure when I'll be back on again, but be sure to come back again and find out what adventures I/we as a team have been up to.

If you want, here are a few of prayer points for the team:

Safety and protection; 
Wisdom for cultural sensitivity and to represent our faith and organization well; 
Team unity – working together; 
The 2 kids – .good experience (Mike and Jessi 2 of our staff have 2 totally cute little boys ); 
Acceptance from contacts/people we’re working with.

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